Contact Us


Tel: +44 (0)1603 593715

Postal address: Centre for Competition Policy, University of East Anglia, Norwich Research Park, Norwich, Norfolk, United Kingdom, NR4 7TJ

For more information, visit our website or find us on Twitter (@ccp_uea).

4 Responses to Contact Us

  1. Tom Sharpe says:

    Can you explain to me what is cherished by “passporting”. Most UK institutions of any size trade elsewhere in the EU and must satisfy EU ie local requirements, so nothing will happen? Going forward, surely MIFID II will apply?
    2. I would not discount the High Court accepting jurisdiction in most EU wide cartel cases if trade within the UK is affected. Given Provimi etc why are you so pessimistic?

  2. Bruce says:

    Hi . Please can you advise me on whom I can lodge a complaint with against a company that I believe is acting in a anti competitive manner

  3. Caroline says:

    Good day

    You can lodge the complaint with the Competition Commission of South Africa, which is the investigative body for competition authorities. I work for the Competition Tribunal which the adjudicative body.


    Caroline Sserufusa

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